Since 2016, the universities have a mutual legal identity, "Eucor – The European Campus", which takes the form of a European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation (EGTC). They thus created the first EGTC ever, established by higher education institutions. In this context, universities retain their autonomy, but can act together under the name “Eucor – The European Campus”.


The EGTC Eucor – The European Campus has its own decision-making and advisory bodies as well as operational bodies.

The Assembly

The Assembly is the decision-making body of the EGTC. It consists of the current Rectors/Presidents of the member universities. It sets the annual budget, defines a strategy and plans the work within the group.

The President

The President of the Assembly and their deputy are elected by the Assembly from among its members for a term of three years. Andrea Schenker-Wicki, President of the University of Basel, is President of Eucor – The European Campus. Deputy is Thomas Hirth, Vice-President for Innovation and International Affairs at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT).

The Commission of Vice-Presidents

The President is supported by the Commission of Vice-Presidents, which consists of a member of the Executive Board of each of the five member universities. Led by the President, this committee deliberates on substantive issues related to the EGTC. The current Vice-Presidents are Thomas Grob (University of Basel), Melanie Arndt (University of Freiburg), Alain Dieterlen (University of Haute-Alsace), Thomas Hirth (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) and Jean-Marc Planeix (University of Strasbourg).

The Policy Groups

Within the framework of Eucor, there are several so-called policy groups in the following thematic areas: research, teaching, international relations, transfer and innovation, as well as sustainability. The vice-presidents of the member universities in charge for these topics are represented in all groups. They all bring together the vice-presidents in charge for these issues within the member universities, enabling them to make progress on specific issues and formulate recommendations for the decision-making bodies.

The Secretariat and the Coordination Office

The Secretariat (in Freiburg) and the Coordination Office (in Strasbourg) provide support to the Assembly, the President and the Commission of Vice-Presidents. They are also responsible for coordinating exchanges and cooperation between decentralised coordinators at member universities.

Decentralised coordination

Coordinators in member universities are decentralised interlocutors on behalf of the Secretariat and the Coordination Office and provide immediate support to the Vice-President in their assignments. They constitute the first point of contact in the universities for any request (help in creating cooperation, questions related to mobility, etc).

The Student Council

The Student Council of Eucor – The European Campus is an association whose members are representatives of the student associations of the member universities. These members elect a steering committee that defends the interests of students within the EGTC bodies.


Eucor – The European Campus EGTC

Do you have any question? You can contact us anytime by e- mail:

The team of the secretariat and coordination office consists of:

Bernd Finger, deputy director

Director (90 %)

Bernd Finger

+49 (0)761 203 69289

Mathilde Jacq

Deputy Director

Mathilde Jacq

+33 (0)3 68 85 82 93

Communication (80%)

Sarah Nieber

+49 (0)761 203 4282


Marketing, Web & Seed Money (50 %)

Johann Breton

+49 (0)156 783 80799

Financial affairs

Clemens Disch

+49 (0)761 203 96700

Johanne Martinez

Project manager

Johanne Martinez

+33 (0)3 68 85 82 86

Our addresses


Eucor – The European Campus EVTZ
Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Friedrichstr. 39
D–79098 Freiburg

Coordination Office

Eucor – Le Campus européen GECT
Université de Strasbourg
Maison Universitaire Internationale
11 presqu’île André Malraux
F–67100 Strasbourg

Contacts in member universities

Christine Meyer Richli, Eucor contact person

University of Basel

Christine Meyer Richli

+41 (0)61 207 13 73

Mathilde Colin

University of Freiburg

Mathilde Colin

+49 (0)761 2039 5267

Karin Lind Ithuralde

University of Haute-Alsace

Karin Lind Ithuralde

+33 (0)3 89 33 61 35

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

Felicitas Proksch

+49 721 608 44915

Aurelle Garnier, Eucor contact person

University of Strasbourg

Aurelle Garnier

+33 (0)3 68 85 11 74