Eucor – The European Campus is an alliance of universities on the Upper Rhine that practises cross-border cooperation by developing joint projects, maintaining an open dialogue and sharing ideas and experiences on a day-to-day basis. Its aim is to utilise the universities combined forces to tackle the major challenges of our time with creativity and a focus on finding solutions. Eucor considers different positions in a dialogue based on fairness, science and mutual appreciation. Democracy, freedom of speech, respect, rationality, pluralism, and diversity constitute its shared foundations.
Consolidating the alliance’s scientific and academic efforts to meet global challenges motivates and guides the European alliance – and is a very urgent issue.
As institutions of science, higher education and research, the European campus is aware of its role as a model and of its responsibility toward society, and proceeds to act accordingly.
In the Eucor Strategy 2030, the alliance is setting itself the following goals, which are based on the five universities shared values:
Intensifying cross-border mobility and exchange
- intensifying cross-border mobility and effective exchange on all levels to strengthen research, teaching and transfer through collaboration. Eucor regards this as the basic condition for a personal development in which tolerance, an openness toward other cultures and a respectful curiosity when interacting with unfamiliar people or things are self-evident.
Providing supervision and guidance to students, staff, and researchers in all stages of their careers
- providing future- and quality-oriented supervision and guidance to students, staff, and researchers in all stages of their careers based on a comprehensive understanding of a university’s responsibilities as going far beyond conveying information and teaching knowledge.
Defining thematic focus areas around major issues that concern the future
- defining thematic focus areas around major issues that concern the future, like sustainability, personalised medicine, energy, mobility, digitisation as well as European values and identities. These issues not only affect research, but also studies, teaching, the transfer of technology and the intense exchange between universities and society.
Transferring the scientific knowledge to the economy and society
- transferring the knowledge gained in research to the economy and society to be able to continuously demonstrate how science and such principles as freedom and rationality, on which it rests, play an essential role in solving major challenges that society faces today.
Eucor – The European Campus is thus a European university alliance that creates important structures, formats and projects for research, studies, teaching, and the transfer of knowledge to the economy and society, while also increasing the international attractiveness, visibility, and impact of the Upper Rhine Region.
"Overcoming borders – day after day. This is what we have been doing with Eucor for more than 30 years, working together in a spirit of trust. Our goal: a scientific space with a clear profile and international outreach."

Prof. Andrea Schenker-Wicki
Eucor President and President of the University of Basel