Open quantum many-body systems

Improving the level of precision and control of complex quantum many-body systems, such as cold atom setups, solid-state superconducting setups, or molecules in electromagnetic cavities, is crucial for the development of quantum science and technology. Such systems are subject to dissipative coupling to their complex environment via noise, dephasing, losses, or other decoherence sources. It is paramount to understand these decoherence mechanisms and their effects on the dynamics of quantum many-body systems.
Here we aim at establishing a top-level network focused on frontier research on those complex quantum systems interacting with their environment, by building upon the existing teams spread across four universities of Eucor.
Our objectives are:
- To set up a network of students and researchers in open quantum many-body systems across the European Campus, through an Internship Exchange Program, that will be the seed for future lasting collaborations between Eucor members
- To organize four bi-annual short meetings, plus a one-week international workshop on quantum many-body systems coupled to their environment
- To prepare application for external funding, e.g. an MSCA Doctoral Network.
This project will foster new collaborations among Eucor partners, intensify cross-border exchanges, and contribute to the international attractiveness and visibility of the Upper Rhine Region on quantum science and technology.
Strasbourg: Jérôme Dubail, Anja Metelmann, Tom Bienaimé, Guido Pupillo, Yalouz Saad, Paul-Antoine Hervieux, Giovanni Manfredi
- Basel: Jelena Klinovaja, Patrick Potts, Daniel Loss
Freiburg: Andreas Buchleitner
- Karlsruhe: Mario Ruben, Alexander Shnirman, Igor Gornyi, Alexander Mirlin