Assessing the Potential for Offering a Solutions-Oriented Sustainability Program in Eucor

Internationally, many sustainability programs have emerged. Yet, most lack a key feature: providing robust training in solving sustainability challenges to satisfy increasing labor market demands for graduates who can competently support the sustainability transformations in areas like energy, mobility, or food systems.

Thus, we propose to assess the potential for developing a competency-based and solutions-oriented sustainability program as a joint degree program in Eucor. Past experiences show that laying such groundwork and building relationships is critical for the success of such a program. The application consortium includes the University of Freiburg, KIT, the University of Basel, and the University of Strasbourg.


  • Freiburg: Katja Brundiers, Arnim Wiek

  • Karlsruhe: Daniel Lang, Annika Weiser

  • Strasbourg: Sophie Michel, Philipp Hammann

  • Basel: Max Bergmann, Zinette Bergmann, Marc Frick