The lastest news on Eucor

View from the window


Around 15 people from Germany and France took part in the staff exchange programme

Staff exchange between the university of Haute-Alsace and Freiburg

Prof. Thomas Speck, Director of the Botanic Garden, greeted his French colleagues from the Université de Haute-Alsace (Mulhouse/Colmar) with the words “mon français est très rouille” (my French is very rusty), only to continue his introduction in fluent French.

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A young shoot emerges from a pile of coins.

Projects of the 7th Seed Money call have been selected

For the seventh consecutive year, Eucor – The European Campus has selected joint projects involving member universities in the fields of teaching as well as research and innovation to cofinance their implementation. To this end, the universities provide an annual budget of 300,000 € in order to promote the networking of scientists. […]

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Prof. Andrea Schenker-Wicki is re-elected as President of Eucor – The European Campus

Prof. Andrea Schenker-Wicki is re-elected as President of Eucor – The European Campus

The assembly of rectors/presidents of the member universities of Eucor – The European Campus re-elected Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Andrea Schenker-Wicki, President of the University of Basel, as President of Eucor on Monday 11 December 2023. Prof. Dr. Thomas Hirth, Vice-President of Transfer and International Affairs of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) was also confirmed in office. The president’s and her deputy’s term in office is three years.

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First ever Eucor Hackathon

Two days, eight teams, four winning projects. Divided into eight working groups, around 50 students from the University of Strasbourg, the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and the University of Freiburg took on a special challenge: to prepare a cross-border project and a pitch in just 48 hours.

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Third QUSTEC Summer School on Quantum Sciences

The third Summer School of the international doctoral training programme QUSTEC (Quantum Science and Technologies at the European Campus) took place from September 17 to 22 2023 in Durbach (Schwarzwald). PhD students from all six partner institutions came to Durbach and spent six intensive days with scientific lectures, poster sessions, an industry day and a varied social program.

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Eucor Cities Meeting in Karlsruhe

The second Eucor Cities Meeting on October 12, 2023 in Karlsruhe focused on intensifying the cooperation of universities and cities on the Upper Rhine. Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and the city of Karlsruhe hosted the meeting of top representatives of the trinational Eucor grouping and the cities of the Eucor universities. They all agreed on the goal to further strengthen the region as a location of innovations.

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Trinational Summer School

Trinational Summer School develops recommendations for Emmendingen in the field of climate adaption

Around 20 doctoral and master’s students presented their recommendations for Emmendingen in the field of climate adaption on Friday, 29 September 2023 at the city hall. The presentation was the conclusion of a five-day scientific summer school, in which the students and doctoral candidates had developed solutions for real problems of the city of Emmendingen.

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Eucor-MobiLab Roadshow

Eucor-MobiLab tours through the Upper Rhine region

The Eucor-MobiLab promises tangile science. The mobile participation laboratory provided by the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) started its roadshow in June 2023. The term “roadshow” is quite literal because the Tiny House tours the Upper Rhine region with excellent top-level research and scientists from all three countries in tow.

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Marie Georgiadis and Timon Bischofberger, students of the trinational master’s degree in law

Guest article: EUCOR – a trinational master’s degree in law

There are several master’s degree programs in law available in Basel. Among them is Eucor, the trinational course of studies, in which the studies are divided between Basel, Freiburg and Strasbourg. Timon Bischofberger and Marie Georgiadis share their experiences about the program.

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Eucor-MobiLab Roadshow 2023

Making top-level research on sustainability in the Upper Rhine region visible to all is the goal of the Eucor-MobiLab Roadshow. In the cities of the five member universities of the trinational Eucor network (Universities of Freiburg, Basel, Strasbourg, Haute-Alsace and the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) as well as in Kehl, there will be activities in the field of knowledge transfer, science communication and research. Citizens have the opportunity to experience "hands-on science" and to interact with researchers.

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