A visit from Bundestag representative Franziska Brantner

The President of Eucor – The European Campus, Prof. Dr. Hans-Jochen Schiewer, welcomed Mrs. Franziska Brantner on 23.09.2020. The Bundestag representative (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen) is a member of the German-French working group on the Élysée Treaty and a delegation member in the Franco-German Parliamentary Assembly.

The event focused on the future orientation of the University consortium. Political representatives of the Green Party from Freiburg and Colmar also took part in the discussion. Dr. Joern Pütz, Vice-President for Franco-German Relations at the Université de Strasbourg, and Bernd Finger, Deputy Director of the Eucor – The European Campus office, discussed the challenges of cross-border university cooperation with the political delegation. Central topics were the anchoring of the Eucor offer in the entire student body, a possible semester ticket and the status of the European Grouping for Territorial Cooperation (EGTC), under which Eucor – The European Campus is organized.

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