Call for applications: EURIdoc invites applications for 28 doctoral positions

The new cross-border doctoral programme in immunology “EURIdoc” invites applications for 28 doctoral positions. These are located at the Universities of Basel, Freiburg and Strasbourg as well as at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and the Medical Centre of the University of Freiburg. They focus on the main topics of hematopoiesis and development of the immune system, innate and adaptive immunity and immune diseases. All doctoral candidates will get a full-time contract for four years. The offered doctoral projects each include two different content options. Detailed information on the requirements, the application and the selection process can be found in the Guide for applicants. The application process is carried out in cooperation with the Spemann Graduate School of Biology and Medicine (SGBM). Applications must be made via their application tool. The application deadline is 14 June 2021.