Eight new projects funded through Seed Money

Hands with earth and seeds

Two projects in the field of “Teaching” and six projects in the field of “Research and Innovation” will be funded in the fourth funding period of Seed Money of Eucor – The European Campus. On 17 December 2020, the Assembly of the university alliance selected the projects based on the recommendations of experts from the five member universities.

Every year, 300,000 euros from the member universities flow into a joint Seed Money budget to promote the networking of scientists. Despite the current pandemic, the Seed Money initial funding scheme once again met with strong interest, with 27 applications submitted.

In 2021, the following projects will receive funding through Seed Money:

Category “Teaching”:

Category “Research and Innovation”:

1. In the field of Physical Sciences & Engineering

2. In the field of Life Sciences

3. In the field of Social Sciences & Humanities

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