Joint declaration of city and university leaders
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At the invitation of Martin Horn, mayor of the city of Freiburg, city and university leaders of Eucor – The European Campus met in Freiburg’s town hall on October 15, 2019, thus signaling the intensification of their cooperation.
For years the presidents and rectors of the Eucor universities were used to met in the groupe of fives, but their meeting was now for the first time extended by seven representatives of the municipalities in which the Eucor universities are located. Thirty years after the founding of Eucor as a loose university group, Martin Horn’s invitation aimed strengthening Eucor – The European Campus sites and extending cross-border cooperation to the local level.
In their joint declaration “Joint Science – Innovative Metropolitan Region – Strong Europe”, which was signed on 15 October, the city and university leaders explain that they want to engage for science, business, culture of the Upper Rhine region and promote the further development of Eucor – The European Campus. In ten points they explain their fields of action and emphasise, among other things, the importance of accommodation for students and lecturers. Furthermore, they emphasise the strengthening of scientific cooperation through ambitious joint projects in research, training and innovation as well as through cross-border technology and knowledge transfer.
Hans-Jochen Schiewer, President of Eucor – The European Campus affirms: “This is an important step for developing and shaping Eucor – The European Campus and for strengthening our metropolitan region.”
Press release (french, german)
Photo: from left to right
Philippe Portelli, Ville et Eurométropole Strasbourg; Prof. Michel Deneken, Président Université de Strasbourg, Janosch Nieden, Direktor Eucor – The European Campus; Phillip Stöcks, Präsident Studierendenrat Eucor – The European Campus; Prof. Dr. Thomas Hirth, Vizepräsident Karlsruher Institut für Technologie; Dr. Albert Käuflein, Bürgermeister Stadt Karlsruhe; Martin Horn, Oberbürgermeister Stadt Freiburg; Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Hans-Jochen Schiewer, Rektor Universität Freiburg und Präsident von Eucor – The European Campus;
Michèle Lutz, Maire Ville de Mulhouse; Odile Uhlrich-Mallet, Adjointe au Maire Ville de Colmar; Prof. Christine Gangloff-Ziegler, Présidente Université de Haute-Alsace; Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Andrea Schenker-Wicki, Rektorin Universität Basel; Dr. Conradin Cramer, Regierungsrat Kanton Basel-Stadt; Monica Gschwind, Regierungsrätin Kanton Basel-Landschaft; Prof. Dr. Thomas Grob, Vizerektor Universität Basel.