Start of semester at the European Campus 2019

Every year universities of Eucor – The European Campus welcome their freshman students: At the beginning of the semester 2019/20 approximately 21,600 students began their studies at a member university of Eucor – The European Campus. Many participated in the orientation weeks which aim to facilitate the start of student life and help with the orientation at the universities.
The Start Smart Week at University of Basel provided new students useful information and they got first insights into the student life. After the first-semester greetings by Hans-Jochen Schiewer, Rector of University Freiburg and President of Eucor – The European Campus, in the stadium of SC Freiburg, new students of the Albrecht-Ludwigs-University Freiburg got informed about all important institutions and associations of the university.
A rally through the campus helped new entrants of University of Haute-Alsace to get to know their campus during the Rentrée universitaire. At the start of their studies, newcomers at KIT received a freshman backpack filled with tips and information. Already at the beginning of September, students of the University of Strasbourg got to know their new study place at the Agora de rentrée.
The teams of Eucor – The European Campus participated at all orientation events of the five universities and got in touch with many students. The new students were especially interested in the temporary mobility plan which gives students the opportunity to take isolated courses or entire modules at another university.
Universität Basel, Donata Ettlin
Universität Freiburg, Patrick Seeger