Photo campaign: My Eucor souvenir

This year, Eucor celebrates its 30 years! Thanks to Eucor, over the past 30 years many students, researchers, postgraduates as well as professors and administrative staff got a cross-border experience, immersed themselves in the language and culture of the neighbouring countries, got to know different teaching formats and, of course, met new people.
And you, what did you experience with Eucor? Where have you been? What inspired you?
What is your most beautiful souvenir?
Whether you were abroad for one seminar, one semester, or as part of a double degree, PhD, research, or teaching programme, send us a photo of your Eucor stay.
Give the photo a title and describe briefly (up to 250 characters) where and when you took the picture, what you can see on it and what it reminds you of. Introduce yourself and tell us what and where you studied, researched or taught. With your photos we will create a little Facebook story and publish them on Facebook.
If you want to participate, send your picture with the subject “Eucor souvenir” to by the 06th of November at the latest.
We are looking forward to your photos!
Please read the terms and conditions (in german) and the information sheet (GDPR) (in german)