Prof. Andrea Schenker-Wicki is re-elected as President of Eucor – The European Campus
The second term in office of the President of the University of Basel also ushers in the start of the new Eucor strategy for the period 2024 to 2030
The assembly of rectors/presidents of the member universities of Eucor – The European Campus re-elected Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Andrea Schenker-Wicki, President of the University of Basel, as President of Eucor on Monday 11 December 2023. Prof. Dr. Thomas Hirth, Vice-President of Transfer and International Affairs of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) was also confirmed in office. The president’s and her deputy’s term in office is three years.
Schenker-Wicki plans to establish the Upper Rhine region as a globally leading innovation ecosystem for the life sciences
During her first term in office as Eucor President from 2021 to 2023, Schenker-Wicki already prepared the ground for the new strategy period 2024–2030. She intends to establish the Upper Rhine as an internationally leading region for innovation in health and medical technologies through the Biocampus project. “A recently conducted benchmarking study has shown that the Upper Rhine can compete with innovation centres like Boston (USA), Cambridge (UK) and the Île de France (FR). In an international comparison, we have the highest value creation in the life sciences by far, both overall and per capita. Through the Biocampus, I want to pool our existing resources and make the trinational region even more internationally attractive,” she says.
Science and society in dialogue
In his role as Vice-President of Transfer and International Affairs at KIT, Prof. Dr. Thomas Hirth promotes the transfer of knowledge and technology across national borders. This dovetails well with the key goal of Eucor’s strategy: working together with partners from science, the economy and civil society. As a member in the Science Pillar of the Trinational Metropolitan Region Upper Rhine, Eucor – The European Campus is actively involved in expert discussions in the region. “We can only solve the challenges of the future together in a permanent exchange of ideas across borders and between everyone involved,” says Hirth.
Eucor Strategy 2030
The turn of the year marks the beginning of a new strategy period for Eucor. With their strategy plan for the next seven years, the heads of the five member universities are affirming their intention of maintaining and consolidating their cooperation in research, teaching and transfer.