Virtual kick-off for the doctoral programme QUSTEC
Members of the doctoral programme QUSTEC met for the first time from 22nd to 24th June 2020 for a “kick-start training.” The 30 PhD students, who are spread over the partner institutions, University of Basel, University of Freiburg, University of Strasbourg, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and IBM Zurich, had the opportunity to get to know one another and participate in a training, organised online given the current situation.
“Our PhD students come from 15 countries all over the world,” explains Nataliia Voievoda, project manager at QUSTEC. “Due to the corona pandemic, some of them could not yet enter Germany, France or Switzerland. The online format, which we had to choose due to current events, has enabled all PhD students to participate in the training, whether they were able to arrive in the Upper Rhine region or not.”
Manuel Morgado is a QUSTEC PhD candidate at the University of Strasbourg. “I am truly delighted to be part of the QUSTEC programme. During the kick-off event, I had the opportunity to meet colleagues from partner institutions in the Upper Rhine region with whom I could exchange ideas on interesting topics of quantum science. These connections will contribute to creating and enhancing collaboration between multidisciplinary doctoral students interested in the development of quantum science,” said the Venezuelan PhD candidate.
The kick-off started with an introduction to the doctoral programme and a “get together” for the young researchers. After a welcoming address by Catherine Florentz, Vice-President at the University of Strasbourg, and Hans-Jochen Schiewer, President of Eucor – The European Campus, the event was followed by scientific lectures. “I think that the doctoral candidates appreciated the diversity of our programme. In addition to introductions to the various fields of research in quantum science and technologies, we also offered transversal training sessions on responsible research and innovation as well as on Open Science and research data management,” added Nataliia Voievoda.
The interdisciplinarity of QUSTEC was also reflected in the six scientific introductory lectures. Senior researchers from the partner institutions presented various research directions in the field of quantum sciences and technologies as they derive from such diverse disciplines as physics, chemistry, materials science or computer science.
“Quantum Science and Technologies at the European Campus” (QUSTEC) is a doctoral programme set up by Eucor – The European Campus. The programme has been selected by the European Commission as a joint international and interdisciplinary training programme in quantum sciences and technologies in the framework of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie-Action. It is co-funded by H2020 grant and partner organization for a five-year period with a total amount of 9.1 million euros.