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Doctorates at the European Campus
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Research and Transfer
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Funding opportunities
Eucor Seed Money
Funding opportunities of the member universities
Further funding programmes
Eucor at a glance
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About us
Member universities
Strategy and objectives
Funding of the alliance
Organisation and contact
History of cooperation
Eucor label
Documents, publications and videos
Social media
In the media
Student mobility
Joint course offerings
Joint degree programmes with double and triple degrees
Bachelor of Science Regio Chimica
Bachelor of Arts: Germanistics from a Franco-German perspective
Master of Arts International Economic Relations, Innovation Management course
Master of Arts German-French Journalism
Master of Science Sustainable Materials Polymer Sciences
Master of Sciences Biochemistry and Biophysics
LL.M. – Eucor Master of Law
Franco-German double Master of Law
Joint degree programmes with a university degree
Trinational Master in Classical & Ancient Studies
Engineer’s degree in Biotechnology
Master in Biotechnology
Programmes with mobility recommendations
International Master Plant Science
Mobility recommendations at the English Departments
Mobility recommendations in the Bachelor of Arts Scandinavian Studies
Mobility recommendations in the Bachelor of Arts in Media and Cultural Studies and Master of Arts in Media and Cultural Research
Master Cultural Anthropology
Master Interreligious Studies
Advanced training courses
DAS (Degree of Advanced Studies): European Course of Pharmaceutical Medecine
CAS (Certificate of Advanced Studies): “Religious plurality in theory and practice”
Student life
Career entry
Practical information for students
Doctorates at the European Campus
Fellows & Projects
Outreach & dissemination
Training at QUSTEC
Contact & additional information
Other doctoral colleges & post-doc programmes
Practical information
Research and Transfer
Focus Areas
Cross-border professorships
Networks and projects
Biotechnology [biology]
Collegium Beatus Rhenanus [sciences of antiquity]
Communication in a multilingual and pluricultural context [multilingualism]
Enzyme reactivities and their applications
Eucor English [english language]
Eucor library network [libraries]
Eucor Network in Scandinavian Studies [scandinavian studies]
European Cancer Center [cancer research]
Hermann Paul School of Linguistics [linguistics]
Neurex [neuroscience]
Upper Rhine Cluster for Sustainability Research (URCforSR) [sustainability]
Upper Rhine Immunology Group [Immunologie]
Clim’Ability Design [climate change]
COMETH [medieval thought]
DialogProTec [pesticides and environment]
Georg H. Endress Postdoc cluster [quantum science]
EURIdoc [immunology]
Fessenheim - Feasibility study [CO2-neutral innovation region]
Interneuron [neuroscience]
INTER-RELIGIO [religious coexistence]
KliWiReSSE [botany and climate adaptation]
Knowledge Transfer Upper Rhine (KTUR) [knowledge and technology transfer]
KTUR² [knowledge and technology transfer]
NANOTRANSMED [nanomedicine]
NAVEBGO [protection of groundwater]
NovaTris [cross-border competences]
PERSONALIS [autoimmune diseases]
QUSTEC [quantum science]
RES_TMO [energy supply]
SMI – Smart Meter Inclusif [intelligent energy management]
SuMo-Rhine [sustainable mobility]
TRIDIAG [transplantation medicine]
WaterPollutionSensor [monitoring of drinking water]
Current Seed Money Research Projects
Actin defects in primary immunodeficiencies (ACTIv)
From Precision Soft Matter Synthesis to GRAdient PolyMeric MAteRials (GRAMMAR)
Islamic Studies and Turkology as Disciplines: Dynamics of two Research Fields in Upper Rhine Universities (DIslaTurk)
Krank vor Angst in Mesopotamien
Landscape and sustainable energy transition: the legal protection of landscape(s) through the prism of the energy transition
Role of the NuA4 complex in nuclear speckle composition
Synthetic archaeal proteoliposomes
The surgeon’s eye
Using artificial intelligence to identify biomarkers for psychiatric disorders
Role of Fam134b-driven endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-phagy in sarcopenia
Hookvacc rewild
Territorial strategies of Foundations in the Upper Rhine territories LIFT
Light therapy as add-on therapy tool to Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I)
Smart functional sequence-defined oligomers and polymers incorporating rigid cyclodextrin host molecules
Practical information
Funding opportunities
Eucor Seed Money
Int. MSc Sustainable Cities
Assessing Potential for Offering a Solutions-Oriented Sustainability Program in Eucor
Research, innovation and transfer
Roots of Resilience
Deciphering Molecular Determinants of Plant Resilience and Biomass Producation
Addressing Antibiotic Resistance: Bridging Science and Society Across Borders
Open quantum many-body systems
Humain Remains in University Collections - Comparison and Entanglements
Transformative media
Eucor Master in Scandinavian Studies
Research, innovation and transfer
Interrogating NLRP3 inflammasome activation mechanisms
2D magnetism in Strasbourg and Basel
System Building as Missing Link in Sustainability Transitions
Eucor CWS PhD Network
3Dimensions & 3Destinations of Human Movement Studies – 3D Human Movement Studies [closed]
Interdisciplinary student research lab in the Upper Rhine Region [closed]
Eucor Master’s Program in Computer Science
Research and innovation
Role of Fam134b-driven endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-phagy in sarcopenia
Hookvacc rewild [closed]
Territorial strategies of Foundations in the Upper Rhine territories LIFT
Light therapy as add-on therapy tool to Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I)
Smart functional sequence-defined oligomers and polymers incorporating rigid cyclodextrin host molecules
MWS – European Master in Continental Water Sustainability
Escaping (Un-)Democratic Deadlock - A game-based, innovative seminar [closed]
Research and innovation
Synthetic archaeal proteoliposomes [closed]
Sick with fear in Mesopotamia [closed]
Role of the NuA4 complex in nuclear speckle composition [closed]
Islamic Studies and Turkology as Disciplines: Dynamics of two Research Fields in Upper Rhine Universities (DIslaTurk) [closed]
Actin defects in primary immunodeficiencies (ACTIv) [closed]
Cuivrality [closed]
The surgeon’s eye [closed]
Geothermal Master Field School [closed]
Innovation Dashboard Seminar [closed]
Research and innovation
From Precision Soft Matter Synthesis to GRAdient PolyMeric MAteRials (GRAMMAR) [closed]
STEELE [closed]
Landscape and sustainable energy transition: the legal protection of landscape(s) through the prism of the energy transition [closed]
Wearable Compulsive Behaviour Detection: Clinical Study on Hand Washing [closed]
Characterization of the plasma membrane lipid organization in Fabry disease [closed]
ROSkillers [closed]
Bachelor European cross-border Studies in a global world [closed]
Eucor – Languages [closed]
Research and innovation
Using artificial intelligence to identify biomarkers for psychiatric disorders [closed]
C4-PON [closed]
Exploiting the CXCR4-CD44 axis for cancer treatment [closed]
Food democracy and meta-organizations [closed]
Making Infrastructure Global? Design and Governance of Infrastructural Expansion in the Global South [closed]
Quantum Machine Learning [closed]
Connecting – Editing – Programming – Learning (CEPL) [closed]
Immunology Master Exchange [closed]
Research and innovation
The role of SPATA2 for T-cell activation [closed]
Tuning interneurons to improve cognition in Down Syndrome [closed]
Belle2NewPhy [closed]
Conjectures of the unconscious [closed]
DIS-AGREE [closed]
Clus-MolChem-1 [closed]
TREE MSc [closed]
Upper Rhine Science Trails [closed]
Mutualisation and internationalisation of the medieval history offer in Strasbourg, Freiburg and Basel [closed]
Research and innovation
Aesthetics of Protestantism in Northern Europe [closed]
Using optogenetics to visualize histone H2AX phosphorylation in living cells with high precision [closed]
Synergies from an Integrated Renewable Energy Supply and Storage System in the Upper Rhine Region: An Interdisciplinary Analysis (SIRES_URR) [closed]
DA-HPC-OR: Data Analysis for Improving High Performance Computing Operations and Research [closed]
Advanced modelling of hybrid interfaces towards innovative technologies [closed]
Projects funded
Laufende Projekte in der Kategorie Lehre
Geothermal Master Field School
MWS – European Master in Continental Water Sustainability
Escaping (Un-)Democratic Deadlock – A game-based, innovative seminar
Laufende Projekte in der Kategorie Forschung und Innovation
Abgeschlossene Projekte
Funding opportunities of the member universities
Further funding programmes
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