
Neurex is one of the largest European networks of basic, clinical and applied research in the field of neuroscience: it brings together more than one hundred specialised laboratories of the Universities of Basel, Freiburg and Strasbourg. In recent decades, Neurex has set up a joint teaching platform for the three universities: the network organises scientific training courses (seminars and workshops) for junior and senior researchers, as well as events for the general public (Semaine du cerveau-Brain Week). Neurex actively contributes to the training of young researchers at a doctoral and post-doctoral level (international training, awarding of scholarships, European programmes) and has created a trinational Joint Masters degree which is taught between the three universities. The network is also involved in developing transnational approaches through training in the worlds of basic and clinical research, and health professionals. Finally, Neurex actively involves industrial partners (pharmaceutical and biotech companies) to facilitate interaction between academics and industry. The Neurex network relies in particular on a multimedia platform set up as part of its NeuroCampus teaching programme funded under the Interreg V Upper Rhine programme.
- Basel: Pascale Piguet
- Strasbourg : Paul Pévet