Clim’Ability Design

Contrary to popular belief, the Upper Rhine is not immune to the fallout from climate change. It is even one of the regions most sensitive to the consequences of climate change with regard to France and Germany (Météo France, DWD).
The Clim’Ability (Interreg V) project aimed to support companies with the effects of climate change on the scale of the Upper Rhine by working on information and diagnostic tools fitting the different functionalities of companies, all sectors combined. Whether it is the sensitivity of industrial sites and production processes to climatic hazards or to cascading socio-economic and political phenomena (new legislative frameworks, disturbed value chains and markets, etc.), the tools developed are aimed at getting to grips with climate change for business leaders. These open source tools are the result of close collaboration between the project consortium and voluntary SMEs / SMIs.
Since September 2019, Clim’Ability Design has taken over from Clim’Ability (2016-2019) to undertake in-depth studies of industrial sites and branches towards adaptation paths regarding climate change for SMEs / SMIs in the Upper Rhine.
Clim’Ability Design capitalizes on Clim’Ability’s results by taking greater account of well-being at work in terms of human resources and the layout of industrial sites. Beyond the production and dissemination of information, advice and good practices, the project relies on unifying and ambitious communication materials, intended to emulate and lead to innovative proposals in terms of adaptation of SMEs / SMIs, all branches combined.
Clim’Ability Design relies on a network of experts made up of climatologists, economists, geographers, science historians, innovation engineers, sociologists, urban planners and designers engaged in the promotion of ambitious foresight methods. One of the cornerstones of the project is the promotion of innovative design and foresight forums to which SMEs / SMIs in the Upper Rhine will be invited to prepare for the challenges of climate change at the intersection of human activities and territorial characteristics.
The project thus contributes to improving regional innovation capacity as well as to exploiting the innovative potential of companies.
- Strasbourg: Florence Rudolf