
Interneuron: knowledge and technology transfer to companies in the field of neurosciences
The development of new therapies for psychiatric & neurological disorders is one of the major challenges for the world of fundamental, industrial & clinical research. Unfortunately, a gap exists between the players in the chain from basic research discoveries to therapeutic developments.
Neurex, which has federated neuroscience research in the Upper Rhine over the last two decades, has developed a project integrating all the players in the drug development chain.
Just as interneurons orchestrate the interactions between the main neurons in the brain, this cross-border project aims to transfer technology, know-how and knowledge for the therapies of the future. In addition to a necessary structuring effort to integrate all the actors of the value chain within the network, a de-compartmentalization of the existing R&D dynamics will be achieved through the implementation of cross-border activities between all these actors.
Several actions aim at ensuring this objective and in particular workshops in which the different protagonists (fundamental, industrial & clinical research) exchange their expertise. This transfer of knowledge is completed through a partnership with university technology transfer platforms and with biotechs & laboratories in the Upper Rhine. A general public component helps to inform the Rhine population about the mysteries of the brain.
The project in numbers:
GLOBAL COST OF THE PROJECT: €2,554,113.22, of which €948,269.74 from the ERDF (Upper Rhine Interreg V Programme),
PROJECT TIMESCALE: 01/09/2019 to 31/08/2022.
Partners : Program Interreg V Upper Rhine “Transcending borders with every project”, Neurex (coordination), Médalis, BioValley France, CNRS, University of Strasbourg, Grand Est Region, Department of Bas-Rhin, Department of Haut-Rhin, Eurométropole Strasbourg, Hôpitaux Universitaires de Strasbourg, Bernstein Center Freiburg, Klinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie Freiburg, Neurozentrum Freiburg, Universität Freiburg, Universität Basel, Universitäre Psychiatrische Kliniken Basel, Kanton Aargau, Kanton Basel- Landschaft, Swiss Confederation. The technology transfer platforms of the Universities of Basel (UniTectra) and Strasbourg (SATT Conectus). Companies: in Switzerland: Geneguide and Idorsia, in France: Axilum Robotics, and in Germany: Cortec.
- Strasbourg: Paul Pévet