Regional concepts for an integrated, efficient and sustainable energy supply and storage in the Upper Rhine Trinational Metropolitan Region (RES_TMO)

The switch to Renewable Energy Sources (RES) is regarded worldwide as well as in the Upper Rhine Trinational Metropolitan Region (TMO) as a core requirement for the decarbonisation of energy systems. However, the planned phase-out of nuclear and coal-fired power plants and the large shares of RES being implemented in the Upper Rhine Region pose challenges, in particular with regard to energy security and system flexibility. In order to achieve security of supply based on RES, Germany, France and Switzerland need to optimize their energy systems by using complementary generation, demand and storage capacities.
The overarching goal of the project is to examine these synergies on several dimensions in order to develop innovative concepts that help to make more efficient use of these regional cross-border potentials. To that end, the legal, political and socio-cultural frameworks as well as the economic feasibility of an integrated RES-based energy market in the trinational Upper Rhine Region are examined. On the basis of the analyses, a roadmap will be developed together with partners from the sector and the most important energy stakeholders in the Upper Rhine. The roadmap will include concepts, scenarios, tools and recommendations for policy-makers for an optimal use of complementary potentials and cross-border integration of RES in the TMO.
Led by the University of Freiburg, the project also involves the universities of Basel, Haute-Alsace, Strasbourg as well as the Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) and the regional energy supplier Badenova. It was supported during its development phase by Eucor – The European Campus through the Seed Money initial financing scheme. The European Union is currently funding the project through the Interreg V Upper Rhine Programme with 1.59 million euros for the period 2019-2022.
A book providing key insights into the RES_TMO project results has been published: Cross-Border Renewable Energy Transitions – Lessons from Europe’s Upper Rhine Region.