SMI – Smart Meter Inclusif

The Smart Meter Inclusif (SMI) project is part of a perspective linking artificial intelligence and microsocial analysis.
One of the project’s objectives is to design a new smart meter that is more efficient, secure and better accepted by consumers. Users of this intelligent tool will have the ability to collect and predict the consumption of their electrical devices. At the same time, the consumption information that would be transmitted to their energy supplier would be anonymized.
Simultaneously, the project will assess the adequacy of new techniques to improve the security level of the smart meter in a highly heterogeneous network. Ultimately, the project will lead to the development of a laboratory prototype aimed at optimizing individualized energy management by the end user.
Collaboration between partners at the cross-border level will also make it possible to propose recommendations for a common market that takes into account the advantages and constraints of the three countries. These recommendations will promote the development of international companies.
This European project, worth a total of nearly €2 million, brings together 15 academic and industrial partners. It is supported by the Research Institute in Computer Science, Mathematics, Automation and Signal (IRIMAS) of the University of Haute-Alsace. The project is part of the Interreg V-A Upper Rhine programme and is supported by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the Swiss cantons involved in the programme.
- UHA :
- Djaffar OULD-ABDESLAM (Scientific project coordinator)
- Julie VUERLI (administrative project manager)