AND search
By default, the search function performs an "AND search", which means that only pages containing all search terms are found.
Phrase search
The phrase search searches for specific word combinations in a specified order. You can search for phrases simply by using inverted commas such as "cross-border programmes".
Search with wildcards
For more comprehensive searches, for example anything beginning with "web", you can use wildcards. Start a search for "web*" to get results like "web application", "web hosting" or "web technology".
Force search terms
To make OR searches more precise, you can force certain terms. For example, if you are only looking for pages with "web hosting" or "web design" but not pages about industrial design, use "+web hosting design".
Exclude search term
To exclude pages with a specific term, use the minus sign. If you want to search for pages without "web", enter "-web".