Eucor – The European Campus offers an excellent basis for the future careers of its students. To facilitate the integration into professional life for students and doctoral candidates, the alliance offers a wide range of activities.
For example, trinational candidate preparation seminars are organised. They can be generally offered to students at the end of their courses and, more specifically, to young researchers.
Participation in internship/employment fairs of a member university is also open to students from all five universities. Bus departures can be organised to promote cross-border career insertion.
How to find an internship in Germany, France or Switzerland?
If you are looking for an internship in the border region, the ideal method is to contact the career service of your university (contacts below) which will guide you in your approach.
How to find employment in Germany, France or Switzerland?
Some useful sites for a trinational employment search:
- in France: Pôle Emploi
- in Germany: Agentur für Arbeit
- Franco-German: Connexion Emploi
- in Switzerland: Jobs in der Schweiz
- in Europe: EURES
Cross-Border Placement Service
Cross-Border Placement Service (SPT)The Cross-Border Placement Service (SPT) is the result of close cooperation between the Pôle emploi and its German equivalent, the Bundesagentur für Arbeit. The bilingual services of the SPT accompany job seekers, in particular French-speaking candidates for search in Germany and German-speaking candidates for search in France.
For more information and tips on finding cross-border employment, the following brochures are recommended:
Useful contacts
Universities have specific services to support students in their career entry.
- University of Basel: Career Service Center
- University of Freiburg: Service Center Studium
- University of Haute-Alsace: Bureau d’Aide à l’Insertion Professionnelle et des Stages (BAIPS)
- Karlsruhe Institute of Technology: Career Service
- University of Strasbourg: Espace Avenir
Note: Young researchers can also contact Euraxess reception centres for more information on finding a post-doc or a researcher’s job with an international scope.
- University of Basel: Welcome Center - International Office
- University of Freiburg: Welcome Service
- Karlsruhe Institute of Technology: International Scholars & Welcome Office (IScO)
- University of Strasbourg: Centre de services EURAXESS
EURES-T Upper Rhine
Contact the EURES-T Upper Rhine, whose mission is to encourage and support the cross-border job market at the crossroads of Germany, France and Switzerland.
A question about taxation, health insurance or unemployment insurance in France, Germany and Switzerland? Contact the nearest INFOBEST. The INFOBESTs are the top reception desks for free information on cross-border questions on Germany, France and Switzerland.