The Master’s degree “Interreligious Studies” (international track) is a specialised course whose purpose is to teach and research in the field of interreligious studies by dealing with a contemporary theme: religious plurality in Europe. Students can be taught in France, Germany, and Switzerland. This Master’s degree, unprecedented in France and on the Upper Rhine territory, allows to deepen the interreligious dimension of religions through an interdisciplinary teaching combining Christian, Jewish, Muslim and Buddhist theologies as well as both the social sciences of religions and the law of religions. The teachings are intended to highlight the specificities of each religion and the principles common to all religions, with an emphasis on doctrinal constructions and the interpretation of the founding texts.
This Joint Master was developed by the Universities of Strasbourg, Heidelberg and Basel as well as by the Hochschule für Jüdische Studien Heidelberg. It is carried by the Catholic Faculty of Theology in Strasbourg. In Heidelberg, the training is led by the Diakoniewissenschaftlichen Instituts of the University of Heidelberg, and in Basel by the Theologische Fakultät. This is a unique Master’s degree offering the possibility to register in one of the partner sites and follow the courses given at the three sites.
The International Master Course “Interreligious Studies” is open to students who have validated at least 30 ECTS in the joint programmes of the partner universities of Basel or Heidelberg. It therefore requires German language skills. The “Interreligious Studies” Master’s degree is intended for students who have obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Theology, Human Sciences or Social Sciences. The international course “Interreligious Studies” is the result of the INTER-RELIGIO project, a cross-border inter-university alliance.
- Strasbourg: Prof. Dr. Denis FRICKER
- Basel: Prof. Dr. Moisés MAYORDOMO
- Heidelberg: Prof. Dr. Johannes EURICH
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