Troisième école d'été du programme QUSTEC
The third Summer School of the international doctoral training programme QUSTEC (Quantum Science and Technologies at the European Campus) took place in Durbach (Germany) from September 17 to 22, 2023. PhD students from all six partner institutions came to Durbach and spent six intensive days with scientific lectures, poster sessions, an industry day and a varied social program.
The European Summer School in Quantum Science and Technology was jointly organised by the KIT Graduate School of Quantum Matter (KSQM) for doctoral researchers in quantum science at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and EFEQT, an European training program for Master students supported by the Quantum Flagship initiative. The aim of the school was to offer an introduction to and an overview of cutting-edge research in quantum science with a focus on creating, controlling and manipulating quantum systems for quantum technologies.
The topics of the Summer School were the following:
- Circuit quantum electrodynamics,
- Quantum sensing,
- Designer quantum materials,
- Molecular materials,
- Superconducting quantum circuits,
- Quantum computing and quantum technology,
- Cryogenic devices,
- Quantum metrology and quantum information processing.
The event consisted of a grand opening on Sunday, September 17th, three days of the scientific lectures by invited speakers from all over the world, one big session of "Meeting the Industry", a group hike in the Black Forest and a campus and lab tour at KIT on Friday. In total, there were 68 participants (22 QUSTEC fellows, 24 from KSQM, eight EFEQT master students, and 14 external participants) as well as six scientific speakers. Five quantum companies were present for the industry day.
QUSTEC Summer school 2023 has received financial support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement number 847471 and from the Université Franco-Allemande – Deutsch-Französische Hochschule.