Conference about Migration in East European History
On 10 and 11 September 2018, scholars from Switzerland, Austria, France, the UK, the US, and Russia met at the University of Basel in order to discuss new research projects on migration within and out of Eastern and East Central Europe in the 19th and 20th century. The conference was organized by the chair of […]
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The Swiss adventure
Moritz Faist studies comparative modern history at the University of Freiburg. The 25-year-old uses Eucor mobility and attends courses on Swiss European policy and the history of European integration as well as a Danish course at the University of Basel. We talked to him about his experiences as a cross-border student. Mr. Faist, why did […]
Networking libraries
The libraries from the Eucor region met once again on September 19, 2018 at the University of Freiburg. Colleagues from the Eucor university libraries in Basel, Freiburg, Haute-Alsace, Karlsruhe and Strasbourg as well as the Badische Landesbibliothek in Karlsruhe and the Bibliothèque Nationale Universitaire (BNU) in Strasbourg reported on the work in their institutions and […]
An Easy-to-Use, Convenient Service Option for European Students – The New Student Card ESC
The Eucor universities are working on the application of the European Student Card (ESC). This tool is intended to allow use of the student card of the respective home university at any of the other universities. Whether it is to pay at the cafeteria, borrow books from the library, or open doors – the use […]
Closing ceremony of the SERIOR interregional project
Since 2016 the SERIOR Trinational Graduate Academy of the Upper Rhine has been working transnationally on the subject of risk management. On 12th September 2018 the closing ceremony symbolically took place on the Rhine on board the MS Karlsruhe. Project leaders and political representatives looked back and at the same time considered the future. Environmental […]
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Two new courses of study at the European Campus
As of the 2018/2019 winter semester, the University of Freiburg and the University of Strasbourg are launching two courses of study that will provide a dual university degree including the bachelor’s degree in “German studies from a Franco-German perspective” and a master’s degree “Franco-German law”. German language, literature, culture and history – the new degree […]
Involvement with the Student Council
Phillip Stöcks prizes the opportunities that Eucor – The European Campus offers students, but sees a need for improvement. He is the president of the Student Council of Eucor – The European Campus, that represents the interests of the alltogether 115,000 students from the five universities. Pascal Lienhard spoke to Phillip Stöcks about the work […]
Flourish with Seed Money – an example from Biology
Freiburg biology professor Barbara Di Ventura is working with a colleague from the University of Strasbourg on a research project currently financed with Seed Money, a fund for Eucor universities. The team is developing light-sensitive antibody fragments known as nanobodies, and with their help is researching a protein in living cells. In the long term […]
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A sixth round of Seed Money funding
+++ APPLY BY SEPTEMBER 29 (5pm) +++ A sixth round of Seed Money funding is starting: both renowned professors and researchers from the member universities of Eucor – The European Campus can apply. To benefit from this help, a project must offer an active partnership between the teachers and/or researchers of at least two Eucor […]
Trinational seminar “Autonomous Driving in the Border Triangle”
Students and researchers from the law faculties of the Universities of Basel and Strasbourg as well as engineers, computer scientists and lawyers from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) have been working together on technology, regulation and acceptance of autonomous driving on a cross-border and interdisciplinary basis. Participant Sophie Haesen looks back on the trinational […]
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